Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 What Flowering Plants Thrive in Summer?

What Flowering Plants Thrive in Summer?

Last Updated on: January 15, 2021
Author: Nicholas Jones

There are specific flowering plants that only flower during the summer months. If you want your garden to look good all year round, you should plant several varieties of plants that bloom in different seasons. Here’s what we recommend planting during the hot summer days.


Agapanthus is perennial that blooms in summer. There are many varieties of this plant. This type of plant is easy to grow and requires minimal effort. However, to ensure that flowers bloom really well, here are some tips:

  • Make sure it receives enough sunlight.
  • Avoid overcrowding.
  • Regular watering is recommended
  • Mulch to protect the roots during the cold months



Hydrangea is a shrub that blooms in spring and summer.,. They add a lot of colour to your garden when it is fully grown and starts flowering. They normally reach up to 15 feet in height and grow pretty fast. There are also different types of Hydrangeas such as the French hydrangea, mophead hydrangea, and endless summer hydrangea, and many more. For more details about this plant, you can check this link.

Here are some basic tips to ensure that hydrangea thrives:

  • Deeply water it 3 times a week. This will encourage root growth.
  • Just like other plants, adding mulch will be a great help.
  • Plant in a location that gets a lot of morning sun and no afternoon sun.



This plant has a variety of species that is native to warm temperate regions throughout the world. They are known for their large, colorful flowers that will make a great addition to your garden. Hibiscus is also known for its medicinal use.

It can also help relieve conditions that include:

  • upset stomach
  • high blood pressure
  • bacterial infection
  • fever

When caring for hibiscus, just follow these tips:

  • Do not water with cold water. Use warm water.
  • Place them in a location that gets full sun.
  • Mulch and fertilize



Just like the Hibiscus, the frangipani is native to tropical areas. Flowers bloom from early summer into autumn. The flowers of this plant have a yellow center and five white petals that look great for both outdoor or indoor gardens.

Some caring tips:

  • Use good-draining soil and avoid stagnant water.
  • Place it a location that gets full sun
  • summer season, make sure to water often.



These flowering plants are native to Australia. They have long, slender, arching leaves. They grow fairly quickly and do not require much maintenance. These plants prefer full sun and can tolerate intense light from the hot afternoon sun. However, during the summer season, they could do with some additional watering.

Here are some basic care tips for Kangaroo Paw:

• Deep watering once a week.
• After each successful bloom, heavily prune the whole plant.
• Repotting isn’t really needed, just add a cup or two of compost.


These are some of the flowering plants that you can add to your landscape project so they look good in the summer months. These plants aren’t that sensitive to heat so they can grow during summer However, making sure that they get ample water will ensure that they grow healthy.

Which summer blooms are you fond of?


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