Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Why Use Slate Planting Containers?

Why Use Slate Planting Containers?

Last Updated on: September 21, 2012
Author: Nick Jones

Slate planters in rooftopWarm, buttery tones of browns, reds, and sage make natural slate garden planters a natural fit for almost any environment.

Slate is a type of stone formed by sedimentary deposits that give the stones natural variations in color and texture. When the design calls for old-world elegance without complete uniformity, slate planters add a sophisticated look without rigidity. Because of the way slate rock is formed, these planters are slightly more susceptible to denting and wear than planters made from harder stone, but the variation in stone surfaces effectively hides light wear and tear.

A Material that Matches Everything

A characteristic of natural slate planters that makes it easy to specify them in designs is that they are equally at home in sleek, modern environment as in more casual, country locations. A variety of naturally-occurring tones and colors allow planting containers with slate garden pots to coordinate indoors, and out with diverse materials such as decking wood, natural floor tiles, and hundreds of paint color varieties.

More Fun to Plant

Part of the reason to include planting containers in a landscape design—whether commercial or residential—is to plant the containers! There’s such a large plant palette available to Australian landscape designers, that it’s refreshing to find a container that will work with virtually any plant. From natives to exotic tropicals, the soft tones of natural slate showcase any plant in the containers. That makes it easy to match the perfect plant to the place where the containers will live, and still have a beautiful design.

IOTA Slate Garden Planters

Slate landscape planters from IOTA are durable and made to last. Only glues and adhesives specified for use with stone are used to assemble the pots. All joints are mitered for extra bonding, and the floor of the containers are raised on the interior to promote drainage and plant health.

Industrial Strength for Home Gardens

Rarely do you see a material with as much crossover appeal as natural slate. Equally at home in residential landscapes as in commercial buildings, IOTA natural slate planters instantly add sophistication to every location. In this case, homeowners aren’t stuck with an inferior product, simply by virtue of their budget or retail access. By specifying natural slate containers for home use, designers are bringing the durability and style of materials previously only available on a commercial level to serious home gardeners and landscaped estates.

If you are interested in our slate planters, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.


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