Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Using Planters to Create the Modern Office

Using Planters to Create the Modern Office

Last Updated on: September 25, 2013
Author: Susan P

Using Planters to Create the Modern OfficeIn this day and age, business is competitive, and the cutting-edge business warrants a sleek and modern look around the office. The environment in which one works says a lot about the view and aim of the company, as well as what the company stands for. For that reason, many companies have chosen to take on a near futuristic look in their office decor, and pots and planters need to be able to fit right in. Below are some of the characteristics when using planters to create the modern office which should help you choose for that environment.

Geometric Shapes

From inverted cones to sleek rectangles, geometric shapes are everywhere in the modern office. The idea is to convey a focused, streamlined, sleek look, and nothing says that like geometric aesthetics. Choosing planters that have unique but simple shapes rooted in geometry can help to advance the image of the modern office. This rule goes for exterior planters as well as indoor planters. By getting a little creative, you can create an interesting and unique design through shape alone, like a triangle with stairway cuts up the sides. This would convey the image of heading towards the top. Keep these things in mind when choosing planters for the modern office, and they should help to guide your choices.


Granite planter in an officeMost offices have some sort of colour scheme throughout, but modern offices can afford to get a bit more edgy. Usually, the modern office will be mainly white or black with splashes of vibrant colour throughout. It’s up to you whether you want the planter to blend in with the colour scheme, accent it, or pop out as one of the bright, main colours. When utilising planters as the bright colour, you will want to keep the shape very simple and geometric, without any frills, and keep the plants inside of them plain. Ferns are a good option for bright coloured planters. If you choose to go with background colours for the planters, more creativity can be used in the shape, size, and foliage therein.

Material and Texture

The material of the planter depends entirely upon the office environment to which it belongs. However, it would be advisable to keep the material either natural in tone, metallic, or sleek. Many modern offices have wood as a decorative accent, keeping a natural but forward-looking vibe to the place. Being able to use those natural properties, be they stone, wood, or another natural component to the overall design, is a great way to ensure that the planters fit their environment aesthetically. Metallic and sleek, or acrylic-looking, material is also beneficial. The modern office is not built for overly embellished appearances, so keeping the material and texture sleek and simple is the best way to go.

Modern offices are interesting and unique opportunities for design, and planters are no small part of that design aesthetic. Being careful in choosing the appropriate shape, colour, material, and texture can go a long way to making sure the planter you choose fits right into the surrounding environment.

How do you make a stylish look inside your office using planters? Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting in the box below.


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