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Shoreline Gardening

Last Updated on: September 24, 2012
Author: Susan P

Shoreline GardeningHaving a house on the shore is the envy of many who don’t. Owning a hospitality property on the shore—even more enviable. The question remains: is there an advantage in taking an opportunity to enhance the seaside landscape—with a shore shelter that also establishes propriety? Or is it simply to remain a wide expanse of sand and water—beautiful, no doubt—but without a personality that claims distinction?

Moreover, considering shelter from the sun that allows enjoying the sea air, sounds and smells for an extended period, minus excess U.V. rays, is surely an advantage. A strong case can be made for building shore shelters, considering the latest news concerned with how really harmful the sun’s rays can be.

Shore Shelters

Not just a shelter, but a permanent installation. Eliminating the transportation of chairs and umbrellas is a major bonus, and justification alone for bringing these structures into existence.

Consider built-in chaises with tables, and the rest is easy. Designed with forethought, the shore shelter is a trend that’s just now finding it’s way into the culture as a serious consideration. To set off the shelter, and giving it context, is where greenery completes the job.

Elements of Design

In favor of a modest budget, the shelter is designed with simple construction. Set back far enough to avoid the tide with room to spare, deep footings will seat the posts that support the roof and form the perimeter of the deck.

A shallow-peaked roof frame holds fabric panels, keeps the structure light and provides the needed shelter. Raising the deck high enough can provide storage for swimming gear and towels, utensils and cups to create a space that makes multiple transporting trips a thing of the past.

Building in the chaise and tables may be as simple as providing bolt-pads or c-chanels on the decking to ensure a stationary installation. Fabric shade panels should be hung with plastic rings on plastic rods that won’t fall victim to salt air.

Colors are irresistible and certainly self-identifying, particularly in a hospitality setting. In lieu of color, an opportunity presents itself for artists to apply their talents on fabric by distinguishing individuality with a family crest or creating a logo in the case of commercial shelters.

Greening the Shore

greening the shore with pots and plantersSuggested here is an idea that may help to apply a concept not usually seen on private beach property. With careful shopping, water-less plants and shrubs can help to anchor the shelter, enhance the scene and relieve the endless expanse of sand as an oasis. The introduction of greenery takes all the way in achieving a human scale against the oceans’ vast panorama.

Heavy-duty pots are a good solution in this instance, with a possibility of avoiding the necessity for anchoring lighter weight containers. However, if they’re heavy enough and, for the most part, filled with sand, most containers should be stable enough on a sand base. With preferred plants, in pots on the ground, hanging ferns add an ethereal interest to the shelter. When the shelter is complete, it accomplishes its purpose with style.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments below.


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