Home 9 Projects 9 International Projects 9 Derry City Council, N. Ireland – Custom Granite Planters

Derry City Council, N. Ireland – Custom Granite Planters

Last Updated on: October 1, 2012
Author: Nick Jones

Derry Custom Granite PlantersCustom granite planters were installed at the Derry City Council in preparation for the upcoming Homecoming Festival. The festival was in celebration of the high point in the eleven-month, 40,000-mile Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Derry-Lodonderry greeted ten 68-foot yachts at the conclusion of the last transatlantic leg.

Ten custom granite planters were made from cut slabs of 25mm. granite. The planters had dimensions of L1600 x W1600 x H900 making them appropriate for housing trees. The planters were reinforced by stainless steel eye bolts at their bases. This aided in installations and also functioned as attachment points to anchor the trees to. The planters became a stylish and functional addition at the heart of the city and the pedestrian streets of Queen’s Quay.

Additionally, the stock Granite 600 and the Granite Trough 1000 were also commissioned for the project. These were situated on Baronet Street Quayside which served as the docking point for the Clipper yachts.

Adding a clean, shiny and elegant accent to a design, the IOTA granite range is becoming a popular choice for streetscaping – more so because granite is a very durable material resistant to most damage. Any minor damage to granite is barely noticeable.

The streets of Derry City and our Granite planters are a great match. Share this article with your friends who might be interested in either.

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