Home 9 Projects 9 Australian Projects 9 IOTA Moscow GRC Planters Liven Up Springfield Lakes

IOTA Moscow GRC Planters Liven Up Springfield Lakes

Last Updated on: January 31, 2020
Author: Nicholas Jones

IOTA Moscow GRC Planters Springfield Lakes Shopping Center FeaturedIOTA’s Moscow range of GRC planters now highlight Springfield Lakes Shopping Center in Brisbane. The trough planters have been lined up to serve as a border for the shopping center’s outdoor walkway. At the same time, the planters will help to add green foliage to this urban landscape.

Trough planters are especially helpful in directing foot traffic. Springifield Lakes Shopping center took advantage of the planter’s shape to help direct pedestrians to the different commercial establishments. The grc planters also help keep pedestrians safe by keeping them away from passing traffic.

Springifeld Lakes Shopping Center gathers all the local services that residents need nearby. All this is made better by ensuring that the local landscape is not overrun by concrete and paving. Shopping in a concrete garden is not an enticing experience so adding lush foliage will help improve the local shopping experience. The plants help make the local landscape more aesthetically pleasing which can attract more people.

The Moscow planters are made from lightweight fibreglass and are suitable for commercial and residential use. The planters have a rough sand texture and they are durable enough to use in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic. They can withstand harsh weather conditions so you can leave them out in the full sun without having to worry about weathering damage.

The Moscow range of planters comes with IOTA’s full guarantee.

IOTA Moscow Planters GRC Springfield Lakes Shopping Center Front IOTA Moscow Planters GRC Springfield Lakes Shopping Center Side


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