Home 9 All About Design 9 Outdoor Cafes — More Charming When Green and with Granite Planters

Outdoor Cafes — More Charming When Green and with Granite Planters

Last Updated on: September 21, 2012
Author: Susan P

Their handy locations attract daytime shoppers, working lunch grabbers and tourists. In addition to their accessibility, their presence adds beauty to the whole location coupled with nicely-arranged tables and chairs. Later, an evening’s entertainment will end there with a coffee or glass of wine. Some are used as preludes to a fine meal inside the establishment, while others are known for their matchless breakfast and brunch. Outdoor cafes, whether on the street or a side patio, hold a popular attraction for casual dining, often because of their accessibility.

Umbrellas First

Outdoor CafeBy featuring unreserved seating and an a la carte menu, they offer a quick meal on the run, or a specialty that changes every day. Above all, though, the food is excellent and diners find themselves with friends more often than not because a coterie has developed. The classier among them share common features such as awnings to protect customers from the sun and wrought iron furniture instead of plastic. However, it is the bouquet of umbrellas seen from a distance signaling the cafe’s location on a crowded street, that sports a crush of industrial strength, carbon-belching traffic.

Landscaping Changes the Ambience

Very few street cafes benefit from the ministrations of landscape architects. They just sort of grow out of the building when the owner is ready to expand the space and take advantage of an area that could be producing income. Tables and chairs are placed forthwith and umbrellas installed—or not. The idea is certainly profitable. However, in addition to enjoying their meal, diners are also subject to the sun’s rays and traffic fumes.

Going Green

Now that the stage has been set, the view will change. The Australian Tree Fern is utilized for its shape and adopted function, giving it a sophisticated role it will assume gracefully. It might not have been thought about for the first time, but it seems like an idea whose time has come. Using a slender pot for its new home, the Australian Tree Fern replaces the umbrella.

Height obviously must be limited—110 cm maximum and the width would be right at 50 cm to make a comfortable fit in a dining table. The planter would be in keeping with the mass of the tree and the pot size will keep the tree from outgrowing its surrounds.

Matching pots will hold shrubs in a perimeter organization, with shrub height extended above the heads of most seated diners. They will do a spectacular job of looking beautiful and setting off the cafe as a grounded space that owes its existence to the indoor restaurant.

The serious bonus: screening the vehicular noise and absorbing some of the noxious gases expelled by the ongoing traffic. Owners of street cafes who make the decision to go green will see their own traffic increase. When customers realize the improvements are meant for them to enjoy their meal in more comfortable surroundings, word will get about. It might even be a good thing for dining landscape design architects to leave a few sketches on napkins lying around with their business card.

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