Home 9 All About Design 9 Enduring Design with Plant and Flower Planters

Enduring Design with Plant and Flower Planters

Last Updated on: September 21, 2012
Author: Susan P

Contemporary Furnishings and Flower PlantersTimeless has come to mean a design that hoves to a prescient view of the future, sits comfortably in the present and does the job as intended in both settings.

In terms of landscape design, exterior furnishings must fill something of an entourage role that finds its way into the design with grace and clarity and remains so, even when the landscape around it changes. For example concrete furniture, without it the setting is notably less appealing and functional. Moreover, the design that offers, by reference, a contrast brought about by the addition of these furnishings (as the final stroke), is obviously enriched by raising the design to a higher level. It should be a major consideration when a building’s design demands, measure for measure,  a full-bore exterior support.


With a smart approach to reality, particularly when dealing with heavily trafficked public space, the design will employ pieces that can withstand the treatment of a venue that will not be as gentle as a back yard. Location is a contributing factor when placing the furnishings. If bulky pieces pose the possibility of overpowering a design that tends toward subtlety, but weight and sturdiness are required, a change in plant materials bordering their zone may be a good solution.

Contemporary furnishings that add a degree of sophistication may still be appreciated for their classic good looks in a setting usually treated in a traditional style. The eclectic motif is well-received today. World travel has trained the public that a blend of classic and modern can be interesting when considering choices, and exchanges labeling for an exciting ambience. However, a blend of landscape furnishings, in public venues, can be a more problematic than one might expect. A trial run would not be a wasted effort in this instance.

Cost and Value

It will be most important for owners to know that their budget has supported prudent decisions concerning exterior furnishing expenditures. Justifying this expenditure, with the case being made solely based on design may fall short of success. With the comparison of life-cycle costs, warranties and so forth, designers can aid owners in making a positive decision. The owner should also be made aware that “sustainable” design makes the area under discussion a candidate for value-added consideration. In other words, with the addition of permanent furnishing fixtures, value is increased two-fold, regardless of cost. The area will be populated to a higher degree and its existence recognized for its usefulness and appreciated as a service rendered.

Aesthetics and Practicality

Garden Pots and Furnishings

The distinction between a textured landscape and the smooth concrete surface of a bench or table adds value to the design. Moreover, the contrast between fabricated furnishings against natural greenery receives a greater appreciation as a more dynamic setting, and provides visual relief to a sea of green. The owner who will include these amenities as inimitable necessities will realize subtle rewards. They may not be apparent in the immediate future, but as seasons pass, and they are used in different ways at various times during the day, their value establishes itself and translates as enduring design.


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