Container Gardening: How to Plant Garden Pots and Planter Boxes Guide - Want to turn your planter into a container garden work of art? Garden pots, especially Lightweight Fibreglass Planters, are a versatile and impactful way to enhance outdoor spaces, whether you’re looking to elevate your home or enhance the street appeal of your business. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for selecting, planting, and maintaining garden pots, […]
Garden Pots and Planter Boxes Landscape Design Ideas Guide - Looking to elevate your outdoor oasis? Container gardening is a fantastic way to add vibrant life and personality to your patio, balcony, or even your indoor spaces. Whether you choose traditional terracotta or glazed or modern lightweight concrete planters, this guide will get you started with all the essential knowledge to embark on your container […]
How to Grow Herbs in a Container Garden - Growing herbs, especially in Large Planters, is a convenient and rewarding way to enjoy fresh, flavourful produce right at your fingertips. Whether you have a small balcony, a rooftop terrace, or a limited backyard space, container gardening offers a versatile solution for cultivating a variety of herbs. In this guide, we’ll provide step-by-step instructions on […]
Start a Container Garden: How to Plant Garden Pots - To turn your IOTA garden pot into a work of art, you must plant it. Planting it correctly will mean the difference between exquisite long-lived plants that complement the aesthetics of the container materials and an urban eyesore. Make sure you plant your garden pots and containers right the first time to have a beautiful […]
How to Grow and Maintain a Garden Pot Plant - Taking care of plants in garden pots is a bit different from maintaining traditional “in ground” gardens. Here’s how to take good care of your IOTA garden pot plant or plantings. Watering Garden pot plants are in small, self-contained worlds. The plants can’t grow deep roots into the surrounding soil and excess water doesn’t drain […]
Plant Selection How-to for Container Gardening - The look of an IOTA planter only starts with the container. What you put in it matters just as much as the container materials. When doing plant selection for your planters, there are a number of factors to consider: Where will the container be sited? What is the function of the container? How much maintenance […]
Considerations When Selecting Plants for Public Spaces - Some IOTA planters grace private gardens, but many are placed in public spaces to add a touch of class, divide space, or provide scale to large public areas. There are two primary considerations when selecting plants for containers in public spaces: safety and maintenance. Plants with large thorns, poisonous plants, and plants that drop a […]
Interiorscaping Plant Selection Ideas - Interiorscaping is a way to bring the outdoors, in, to naturally clean the air, and to provide a more pleasing environment for large municipal buildings. To achieve the multi-layer goals of interiorscaping, selecting the right plants is key. First Consider Light Light is the most important factor to consider when selecting indoor plants. A pretty […]