Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Plants in Pots 9 Growing Parsley in a Garden Pot

Growing Parsley in a Garden Pot

Last Updated on: November 6, 2014
Author: Susan P

Growing the flavorful parsley herb in a pot is as easy as for other common herbsParsley, as we all know, is valued for its flavor. Growing parsley indoors is not at all complex. A novice gardener might be surprised how simple it actually is. Placing a nice garden pot of parsley on a sunny windowsill is not only decorative, it is practical, too.

Growing Parsley Indoors

Six to eight hours of sun exposure is key when growing parsley to best produce those aromatic leaves. If your window location does not allow enough amount of sunlight, you could provide help for your potted parsley by installing fluorescent lighting. Also, since the plant only gets sun from the windowsill, it is important to rotate the garden pot every three days. This will prevent it from leaning towards the sun.


Growing parsley basically has the same steps as planting the other types of herbs. The garden pot should have drainage holes and another container catching the drain water. Fill the pot with general quality potting mixture and add in the mix a handful of clean sand to enhance drainage.  Parsley is not really particular about humidity however you may need to mist the plant at least once a week or when you see the leaves a bit dry.


Just like other herbs, parsley can be transplanted. Its roots, however, are not the best for this process – that’s why growing parsley is done best by sowing the seeds. Place a few seeds on your container or pot and top it off with ¼ inch of soil.  After sowing the seeds, water the soil until it is moist, but do not overdo it. Expect seedlings to develop in three to four weeks. If your container gets too crowded, you can clip out other seedlings. It is dangerous to pull out the entire plant for it can damage the roots of the plants near it.

Proper Care

Attending to growing conditions for parsley is not difficult at all. Water them just until the soil is moist. Also, for the roots not to stay soaked in water, always empty the catch under the garden pot.  Fertilisation or feeding is done once every two weeks.  For a more practical container garden, try growing other herbs like basil, chives, or oregano beside or around your parsley too.

Growing parsley: Transplanting or Repotting can be tricky because of its roots


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