Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 7 Essential Benefits of Potted Plants in Landscaping

7 Essential Benefits of Potted Plants in Landscaping

Last Updated on: November 30, 2013
Author: Nick Jones

potted plants in landscapingUsing potted plants in landscaping have numerous benefits. They are easier to move and maintain and their environment can be controlled more than plants planted into the ground. For large landscaping projects, plants in containers represent a great alternative to garden beds.

Easy to Move Around

Garden designers are often faced with issues regarding the layout they are thinking of when putting together a new garden. With plants containers, creating a wonderful, interesting design is quite easy. Designers can play on colours, species of plants, and even shapes and sizes of pots, by moving them around, until reaching the appearance they are after.

Creating a Theme

With potted plant deigns, it is much easier to create a theme. When grouped together, plants placed in interesting containers draw the attention and even more, they break the monotony of a regular garden. Also, for smaller spaces, they can create the illusion of a full-fledged garden without having to invest a lot of money.


potted plants in landscapoingA garden made of potted plants in landscaping designs does not have to remain the same forever. Actually, what makes them the ideal choice for many landscaping projects is the fact that they can be rearranged, according to season, or simply when the designer is asked to try something new while using the plants already at their disposal.

Preventing Invasive Plants from Overgrowing

There are many stylish, nice smelling plants that anyone would love to have in their garden but there is one important issue to keep an on. Many plants tend to be very invasive and overgrow, basically claiming ground from other plants growing in the garden. By growing them in pots, you can keep them at bay. You can still enjoy the beautiful smell of mints, and the beauty of blue lime grass without having to worry about them being invasive.

Adding Colour to a Monotonous Garden

For gardeners, it is very important to create a certain feeling when putting together a new garden especially in places that are too monotonous by their nature. Adding colour with the help of garden pots is very easy. As long as they are well taken cared of, potted plants in landscaping thrive and look even better than those that are planted directly into the ground.

Creating an Ambiance

potted plants in landscaping

People love having plants of all types around because they create a nice, pleasant atmosphere. When growing plants directly on the ground, there are many things to keep in mind as the soil may not be the best fit for the plants you want to grow in your garden. Also, putting plants that do not normally tolerate each other next to one another is easy to do when you grow them in pots, and not directly on the ground.


Growing plants in garden pots and planters is a cost effective solution or alternative to digging up concrete or paved areas to allow for landscaped green space.

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