Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Tips for Container Gardeners

Tips for Container Gardeners

Last Updated on: October 3, 2013
Author: Nick Jones

Container gardening has given a new meaning to the entire concept of gardening. Professional gardeners have been coming up with great tips and techniques to make this process more convenient.

Following are the top ten tips that, if followed, will make the entire process easier and more rewarding:

Proper Drainage

Proper drainage is the key to successful container planting. Make sure thatTips for Container Gardeners your planters have enough holes in the bottom to ensure sufficient drainage. Different species of plants require different levels of watering. The drainage holes in your container should be synchronized according to the watering needs of the plants in that container.

Sufficient Light

The best thing about container planting is that you can easily control the amount of light your plant gets by moving it around. When you buy a plant, you should be well aware about its sunlight requirements so it gets enough of it to grow to its maximum potential. Over exposure to sunlight is also damaging for a plant.

Nutrient Rich Food

Usually off the shelf potting soil lacks all the right nutrients for optimum growth of the plants. It is important that you add those before planting your plant in the soil. A balanced pH and the right nutrients keep the plants well-fed and healthy.

Choosing the Right Plants

When you go plant shopping, you should keep the size of your garden pot inTips for Container Gardeners - Putting the right plants into the container mind in which that plant will go. Your container should be large enough to accommodate the growing roots of the plants so they do not tangle with each other. It is best that you take your pot along with you to avoid any after purchase disasters.

Grouping Plants in a Single Container

If you are planning a rich, great looking garden pot, make sure that you group the plants together which are similar in nature. Plants with contrasting requirements of water, sunlight and other factors may end up dying or inhibiting the growth of other plants in the same container.

Instructions about the Plants

Even after planting your plants, you may need to consult the instructions tag for information about their nature and requirements. Keep the tags safe with you so you do not need to panic if any such need arises.

Rotting Plants

Sometimes, plants start rotting or wilting even after you exercise caution. If this happens to your plant, you should wait for some time as your plant may come back to its flourishing state. If it does not, you have to be realistic and cut the damaged part off before it starts affecting other plants.

Give Your Plants Time

Plants react severely to abrupt changes. When you relocate your plant, give them a little time to adjust to the new environment. Plants take time to adapt to a new location as the exposure to sunlight, water and other factors may be different. During the transition phase, don’t be too hard on your plant.

Potting Soil

For plants grown in pots, using soil mixes optimizes their growth. Potting soil is designed to absorb water and nutrients better in small spaces as compared to regular soil.

Plants Need Love

Lastly, the most important things your plants require from you are love, time and attention. If you think your routine is very hectic, you can choose plants that do not require regular watering. If you choose plants that are compatible with your routine, you can have a lot of fun with container gardening without the guilt of ignoring your plants.

Do you have any tips of your own regarding container gardening? Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting in the box below.


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