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Landscape Elements For Your Next Landscape Design Project

Last Updated on: May 20, 2022
Author: Darryl

There are a lot of landscape elements that go into making a great landscape design. You need to consider things like the size, shape, and natural features of your yard. These considerations will help you determine what types of landscape elements you need in your yard.

Lawns are the face of a home, so you want to make sure you design them well. However, that’s not all you need to consider when designing your landscape. 

The size and shape of your space are essential in determining which landscaping elements you’ll want to include. If you have a small yard, for example, you won’t want as much space for trees or plants as someone with a large yard would. You also might not want certain plants in smaller yards because they might grow too big over time. 

One thing to keep in mind when considering landscaping elements is the natural features of your location. For example, if it gets hot where you live during the summer, you don’t want to plant anything that could get damaged by heat waves or high temperatures. 

Examples of Landscaping elements

There are many types of landscaping elements to choose from. Here are some of them for your reference. 


Outdoor Rectangular Planters Lined up in a Parking Area for Landscape Elements

Paths can be used as a way to separate different areas of your property, such as gardens or pools. They can also be used as a walkway through your lawn. Paths come in different shapes, such as straight lines or curves. They are often made of materials like stone or brick. 


Plants in planters for Landscaping Elements

Plants are an important part of any landscape design. Different plants grow in different types of soil, and certain plants need more sun than others. It is also advisable to know if they are good to be placed in pots and planters. Knowing what type of plant you want to use is an important decision when designing a landscape, as it will affect how much work is needed to maintain it. 

Water Features

Water features include any element with water in your design, including man-made ponds and fountains. However, these aren’t always designed for aesthetics alone. Some water features can also be used as an irrigation system. 


Trees provide shade, act as a natural barrier against noise, and produce oxygen which is important for our environment. They also add beauty to a yard and have a special charm. Not to mention they add to the beauty of our environment with their oxygen production and lush greenery.


Shrubs offer privacy and act as a windbreaker around a landscape. It can help protect a home from the sun’s rays. Shrubs improve the overall atmosphere of a design. Don’t forget that shrubs can also produce food. 

Rocks and Boulders

Big Grey Boulder for Landscape Elements

Rocks and boulders serve many purposes in landscape design. These elements add character to a design. They can be used to create barriers in your yard or to make paths through it. However, working with rocks can be quite difficult.

What elements do you like to use the most? 


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