Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Landscaping Tools Basic Care Sheet

Landscaping Tools Basic Care Sheet

Last Updated on: February 26, 2021
Author: Nicholas Jones

As a landscaper, our landscaping tools are our best weapons. Making sure that they are in their best condition is our responsibility so they will serve us well and never let us down.

There are different types of landscaping tools being used in the garden. We would classify them into two categories: hand and digging tools and power tools.

Hand and Digging Tools


From the word itself, hand tools require little more than your hands. They are straightforward and easy to use. You should be pretty familiar with these tools as they are used for many basic gardening and landscaping tasks.

For buying hand-held tools, here are some general tips:

  • Hand-held tools usually have wooden handles. We recommend getting ones that have a tubular steel handle. It may be pricier but it is worth it in the long run as these are more durable.
  • The tubular part is important as this is lighter. Lighter tools are easier to use. Tubular steel is light yet durable.
  • When applicable, go for tools with a D-shaped handle as they provide a more comfortable grip.

Caring for Hand Tools and Digging Tools

Spade, Hoes, Pickaxes, and Hand Trowels

Everyone should be familiar with a garden spade or a garden shovel.

Make sure to choose a good one since this will be one of the most used tools for digging. Go for a shovel with a stainless steelhead. It should be lightweight, durable, and easy to clean.

Hoes are used for preparing or cultivating your soil and removing weeds. Hand trowels are used for digging small holes and are usually used for transplanting plants. Just the same, look for something that is lightweight and easy to use.

Pickaxes can be used to break apart rocks or for prying stuff from the ground.

Sharpen your shovels, hoes, and pickaxes as that makes them easier to use. Clean them up at the end of the day and don’t leave them out of the shed overnight.


This will be the main cleaning tool for your yard or garden. There are different types of rakes and each one does a specific job.

For general garden maintenance, you’d want a leaf rake. Steel rakes would be used for tidying garden beds, gravel, or mulch.

Make sure you clean your rakes after use to avoid build-up of dirt and possible rusting. Don’t leave it out in the rain.

Garden Shears and Loppers

Garden shears will be used for most of your cutting needs in the garden. Any branches shears can’t handle, you use the loppers. Anything too big for the loppers, you can use a proper saw. Shears and loppers will need occasional sharpening as the blades can become dull with use.

Wipe the blades of your shears clean after using. Don’t leave sap on the blades. Regularly lubricate your shears and loppers.

Power Tools

Power tools are used for heavy workloads that would be too tedious for your manual tools. Here are some of the commonly-used power tools in landscaping.

Lawn Mower

Lawn Mowers are used for trimming the grass on your lawn. A lawnmower can make quick work of trimming grass even on a large yard.

Chainsaws and Electric Loppers

If you need to cut trees for a project, you’ll be needing a chainsaw. A chainsaw will make felling trees a cinch.

If you won’t be dealing with trees but need to cut a lot of large branches, electric loppers would be a better choice. It can cut branches up to 4 inches thick which is too big a job for your regular loppers and a chainsaw would be overkill.


For breaking apart stuff that is too daunting for a pickaxe like concrete paving, a jackhammer comes in handy. While most jackhammers are built to resist a lot of dirt, it still requires some maintenance.

Caring For Power Tools

Power tools are much more complicated compared to hand tools. Keep them clean. Remove visible dirt. Lubricate moving parts. Consult your tool’s manual for specific care needs.
You can also contact the power tool manufacturer for maintenance advice.

At the end of the day, your tools require proper maintenance and care for them to be effective. If you take care of your tools, they will serve you well for years to come.

Do you have any tips you’d like to share when caring for your landscaping tools?


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