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Elements to Consider When Landscaping

Last Updated on: November 6, 2020
Author: Nicholas Jones

In any design work, landscape, drawing, or even in canvas, there are important elements that you should never forget. These elements, when ignored, can have devastating effects on the outcome of your project.


The line creates the flow of the landscape. It connects each part of the project. The way the line is employed in your landscape will affect the flow of your garden. Here are some basic guidelines to utilize lines.

  • Straight lines and hard angles create a formal look.
  • Curved lines create an abstract feel.
  • Vertical lines are used to make a space larger.
  • Horizontal lines are used to make a space wider.



The form is the shape or structure of the plants/objects in your landscape. This depends on the theme of your landscape. Here’s what you need to know about form.

  • Landscape forms show emotions and create ambiance.
  • Single plants have their own form but when they are placed as groups, a new form will show up.
  • Forms can also set the mood of a landscape.


Color might be the most crucial element of a design. A good color scheme will bring life to the garden and will add interest. Colors can be added anywhere from plants to paving, hardscapes, walls, and fences. Some tips when using color to great effect.

  • Warm colors have a different effect than cool colors.
  • Follow the color theme to maintain uniformity in your landscape.


These are the most important elements to consider when designing. What other elements do you think are important to a design? Let us know in the comments!

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